Friday, March 4, 2016

Zootopia [Movie Review]

A little less than a year ago I went on a tear, covering a whole spate of Disney animated films rapidly (found here: Wreck-it Ralph, Wall-E, Tangled, Frozen, and Brave). Aside from Brave, this is the first Disney animated movie I've seen in theaters since... Pocahontas? And if you must know, that was released in 1995.

Our main protagonist, Judy, voiced by Ginnifer Goodwyn.
I loved this movie.

I know I say that a lot about films, but this one was just so much fun, had such a great story, and had so many powerful messages.

It also made hilarious references to other movies, had spectacular voice acting, and my personal favorite... it had very powerful, realistic (given that they are anthropomorphized mammals), relatable, and developed characters. Give me quality characters any day and I'm a happy happy guy. It comes from my own film school experiences where the 'character centered screenplay' was paramount.

Oh yeah, I should give this film a star rating.

5 out of 5 stars

I am very satisfied with that rating. So satisfied, I'm planning on seeing this movie again real soon.
UPDATE: I saw Zootopia a total of four times in theaters (twice in normal run, and twice in second run theaters)... and I've watched my BD copy more than several times... So yeah. I am very very satisfied with my 5 Star rating.

Judy's foil, Nicholas, voiced by Jason Bateman.

Chief Bogo, voiced by Idris Elba!
I am going to try my hardest to avoid spoiling anything in the film because I want you, yes, you reading this, whomever you are, to go and see this film.

Why? Because it is that good.

Mayor Lionheart (of course), voiced by J.K. Simmons.
He has a very recognizable voice.
This movie jams more messages into it per minute than I could possibly try and relate. It has messages concerning racism, naturalism (ie: the idea that nature is innate), bigotry, fear, segregation, suspicion, stereotyping, good cops vs the thin blue line, dreams, dedication, friendship, forgiveness, responsibility...

There are more. There are more, but I can't possibly list them all.

News anchors of ZTV.
The story is not the most complex or original. But it does not have to be. There is too much emphasis on trying to make original stories (of which there are none - all stories have been told before, it is all in the telling) that sometimes telling a good story is forgotten. Not here. This is a good story. A solid story. One that is relatable for almost all ages, which is also what makes it such a good thing. There is plenty for the older folks, but not so much that the younger viewers will not enjoy the film.

So take your family, but please be courteous to others. 

Now for a strange aside...

I am completely jealous that all of these very different mammals have a far better, and more epic city than humans.

Sorry, that was a weird aside, but it was true. I loved the Palm-Tree Tower. Very cool. I'd live there. 

And like all Disney films, there is music. However unlike Tangled and Frozen, there is not a lot. This is more of a Wreck-it Ralph affair. There is really just one major vocal song, sung by Shakira. It was pretty good... I rather liked it and I have no experience with her music (Is it 80s, J-pop, or video-game based? Nope... then I probably do not know it).

Still, I'll probably grab it for my collection of movie music.

Shakira as Gazelle. Fun song.

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