Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Oblivion [Movie Review]

 Today I went and saw Oblivion.

Breif synopsis - In the future humans have encountered an alien species. It destroyed the moon. The earth's surface was thrown into turmoil, cities wiped-out by floods, quakes, and war. Humanity won the war but lost Earth.

With Earth destroyed humanity has fled to Titan. To survive (and power their reactors fusion) they are collecting all the remaining water on the surface of the Earth.
I swear these things remind me of G.L.A.D.O.S.

Jack and Vicki are technicians and support crew respectively responsible for maintaining the probes/droids/Glados-things which are protecting the water-vacuuming facilities from the 'Skavs.'

And that is seriously all I am going to say about the plot. You wanna know more, you'll have to see it.

There were many good points:

Tom Cruise in iWorld.
1. Set Design. Seriously, this movie is an eye fest. There are so many little visual details and beautiful scenic shots. Combined with shots that actually evoke some pretty good emotions... and some shots that reminded me of well... Tower Climbing.

2. Low Babble. This is actually something I've noticed more recently. Lots of science fiction tries to fill in gaps in plot with 'techno-babble.' This has very little nonsense words to explain things.
I could never live there. There is a glass bottomed pool.

3. Story in Action. So much of the story is told through action (and imagery) instead of dialogue. Rather impressive. This is not to say that there is no dialogue, but its reserved for expression of more core concepts. Even the audience is expected to read a passage in a book instead of having it read to them.

Apple owns the future.
This was true high science fiction. There were lots of strong ideas and concepts. Some predictable, some not. But all very well executed.

In truth there was only one really bad point. The end was a tad bit rushed and a tad bit cliched... but not unexpected.

Tom Cruise is a glorified repair man - of the future!

One of the more fun elements for me was the philosophical implications built into the core ideas and strewn through the movie. 

Of course, I can't say more on that without spoiling a huge chunk of the film. So, I'll leave that up to you to find out.

4.0 Stars

Go see the movie!

Jamie Lannister!

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