Monday, June 9, 2014

Game of Thrones - The Watchers on the Wall [Episode 9 Season 4] (TV Review)

I think we all knew what the bulk of this episode was going to be about.
I mean if you read the title, The Watchers on the Wall, you really had to know.

Ygritte, bow drawn.
But did anyone expect an entire episode dedicated to one single event? Not even the Battle at the Black Water was so singularly encapsulated. We saw the scenes from the boats, from the city, from the defenses...

4 out of 5 stars
But here... here at the Wall we really only have two real locations: Castle Black and the top of the Wall.

The whole bloody episode is the battle. It begins slowly, with preparations, hiding, some dialogue with Maester Aemon.

There is almost nothing to write about this episode. It was a touch short, the meat of the episode (excluding credits and review) barely clocks in over 45min. It is simply The Battle at the Wall.

We see Giants, we see a Mammoth, and we see the most awesome wall defense ever - no really. I'm not going to spoil it because it is simply fun and gruesome.

Jon. Atop the wall, commanding.
We see many characters die, as expected in a battle. We see some die who were completely unexpected, and we see those who were meant to die, die. Ghost gets a meal, its all good.  

Sam. Commanding, acting cool and competent.
Sam gets the best lines in the episode followed by Maester Aemon. They have some nice back and forth, but same gets the lions share of good lines. Jon has a few as well.

What I'm really looking forward to is the final episode of the season. There is a lot more fun coming. But what exactly are they going to fill the whole episode up with? I know a few things, but I can't envision everything that will, that has to, occur.

Then season 4 will end... and we'll have to wait for season 5.

Read my earlier Game of Thrones reviews here:
Season 4:
- Two Swords (Ep1)
- The Lion and the Rose (Ep2)
- Breaker of Chains (Ep3)
- Oathkeeper (Ep4)
- The First of His Name (Ep5)
- The Laws of Gods and Men (Ep6) 
- Mockingbird (Ep7)
- The Mountain and the Viper (Ep8)

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