Saturday, February 14, 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service [Movie Review]

Two weekends and three movies... and they raised the damn ticket prices on me for this last one. I assume they went up because of that other movie that is coming out, or something. Sure it was only 2% but it still sucks. Oh, back to what I was saying. Three movies in two weeks, or more like eight days, and Kingsman was by far the best.    

This movie made me want a bespoke suit, and oxfords. Bad ass.
Seriously, after the abject stupidity of Jupiter Ascending, and the bad pacing of Seventh Son... Kingsman was just great.

4.5 out of 5 stars
Yep. That is the same rating I gave Guardian's of the Galaxy, one of my favorite recent movies. I think this is just barely below it, but close enough to warrant the same star rating.
Aw, that 'bulldog' is so cute!

In truth the two movies have a lot in common. Scruffy main hero, both with substitute father figures (who are complete and total opposites), mega-maniacal super villains who have similar goals... well, fine. It only has some similarities, aside from the fact that both were fast paced, very fun, action movies. Oh, and both open with awesome music. Kingsman opens with Dire Straight's Money for Nothing, which is awesome (despite the fact that I often think of Weird Al's Beverly Hillbillies). 

It's Mark Freakin' Hamill! Mark Hamill!
Then suddenly you meet Mark Hamill! Yes, Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame (and Corvette Summer), has a small part.  

I actually they they called Arthur, Alfred. Heh.
The plot starts up fast, and we move along at a solid pace. We are introduced to our mentor character first, and soon meet our hero. Well done. This movie knows the traditional archetypes well, and in all truth that is refreshing. In this era of attempting to go against archetypal motifs, seeing them used well, used properly, makes me happy.

Here's the bonus - the villain, Richmond Valentine, is awesome. Not just because it was Samuel L. Jackson, but because he is like the crazy unstable deranged lisping version of Elon Musk. An Elon Musk who has come to a depressing conclusion, and then from there found an extreme solution. He is not your typical villain.

Samuel L. Jackson... was the lisp his idea? Yes it was.
This movie is just fun, with loads of action, comedy, spy stuff, excellent suits, a bit of parkour, and extra fun. Colin Firth kicks ass, Samuel L. Jackson is a great villain, Taron Egerton pulls off the rough youth come spy, Micheal Caine does his usual "I'm Micheal Caine and I'm Awesome even if I'm just sitting down" routine... Ah, what am I saying. I can't think of a bad performance in this movie.

Oh, and there is a running bit about the Knights of the Round table (their footwork is impecc-able) which is fun, but I think they could have refereed to more Knights than the most commonly known ones (Lancelot, Galahad, etc...).

There is one really over the top scene, right near the end, but if you look at it in the right way it's just really really funny. If you are expecting the movie to be super serious (which you should not), then this scene will drive you nuts. If you accept that this is a genre deconstructing / reconstructing movie, that is a self-referential spy comedy, then you will enjoy it. Oh, and the violence is brutal. Not your glorified Hollywood violence that is either sensationalized or glorified, no... this is just brutal. It's not meant to be anything but violent and brutal.        

Still a very fun movie, certainly worth seeing. If you are in the mood for a, as I've already stated, genre deconstructing / reconstructing spy comedy, then this movie is perfect. Now get out there and see this so we can get a sequel!

And remember, "Manners maketh man." - William Horman.

Homage. I honestly have no idea if the Kingsman bit of this was even an official poster... still cool.

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