Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Helix "Oubliette" (Season 2, Ep. 5) [TV Review]

Yep, this Helix review is late again... because I saw an excellent movie on Friday and wrote THIS review instead of reviewing Helix. I watched Helix, but the movie came first.

I'm still gonna call him Texas. Also, I think the quote is supposed to be:
"We're so far past panic." I could be wrong.

I really got to say that after the awesomeness that was Kingsman, Helix was just not going to be impressive enough for me.

3 out of 5 stars
What's worse than being trapped in a pit?
Being trapped with your sibling that you have issues with.
I was almost tempted to give the episode an extra half star for explaining what Oubliette means... but decided not to. If you didn't pay attention, oubliette is from French 'oublier,' which means 'to forget.' Oubliette, the little forgotten... what an awesome name for a tiny, deep, dark dungeon shaft you toss someone in. You literally just want to forget them, or you do forget them... it matters not. 

Early in this episode, like right away, we learn that Texas is actually a bastard. He was brought on solely to find and deal with Alan.

What is up with the cave walls here? 1" Peg-board holes?
I have also given a new nickname to the bald hand-job getting child murder-abandoning guy. From now on I shall call him 'Lurch.'  He reminds me of a less charismatic Lurch, thus the moniker.

Agnes is a pretty bad-ass old lady. Too bad.
That doesn't work out for her like it does for Betty White.
I am also not sure if I was happy or sad at the obvious Jurassic Park reference, quote. They literally said, "Nature finds a way." Oh sure, it's trite, however in this case it is a direct reference to Jurassic Park. In Jurassic Park Dr. Alan Grant is talking about how the dinosaurs will reproduce despite the genetic modifications to make them sterile, or neuter. In this they are talking about a plant that is pollinating, despite being grafted in such a way that it should not. In both situations the statement is in reference to a thing reproducing despite the efforts of people to prevent said reproduction. That's why this moves beyond trite and into the realm of reference / quote / homage.

The best thing was the return of inappropriate music. When Texas is being chased by crazed infected idiots who are protecting the infected bee hive, the music being played is something like Saturday Night Fever... not quite but close. It might have been the most inappropriate music of the season. Bully for them.

And we can say goodbye to another character.
It happens.

Till next week. Hopefully this coming Friday's episode will be an upswing. This season has kinda hit a certain mediocre level. Not crap, but not great either.

Ok. Hands up if you didn't see this coming.
Put your hands down and feel ashamed. This was so telegraphed.

Previous Helix Season 2 Reviews:

- S2 Ep. 1: San Jose
- S2 Ep. 2: Reunion
- S2 Ep. 3: Scion
- S2 Ep. 4: Densho

Previous Helix Season 1 Reviews:

- Eps. 1 & 2: Pilot and Vector
- Ep. 4: Single Strand
- Ep. 5: The White Room
- Ep. 6: Aniqatiga
- Ep. 7: Survivor Zero
- Ep. 8: Bloodlines 
- Ep. 9: Level X
- Ep. 10: Fushigi
- Ep. 11: Black Rain
- Ep. 12: The Reaping

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