Saturday, May 24, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past [Movie Review]

Two weeks with movies, in a row? Yes! It has been a while since two movies I've wanted to see have come out back to back.
This time I went to see X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Super Sentinel. (or X-Sentinel, I think).
I've probably said this before. I do not read American comic books. Well, I used to read a few - Barry Ween. But in general, I have not and do not read American comics.

But I love movies based on American Comics. Well, at least those of the Avengers series and the X-Men series.

4.5 out of 5 stars
X-Men: Days of Future Past is not just a good comic book film, it is also a good solid science fiction movie on its own. Yes, it is not a stand-alone movie, you do sort of need some familiarity with previous installments of X-Men. That should not be a worry, there are half a dozen X-Men movies.

Charles, meet Charles.
This one follows on the heels of X-Men First Class. That, for me, was a slight problem. The only X-Men movie I've not seen was X-Men First Class. (I'm rectifying that. I've already ordered a real cheap BD copy). I said it was a slight problem. The story of X-Men Days of Future Past is good enough that is stands strong on its own.

Wolverine, Magneto, Professor X, and Quick Silver.
I did not recognize many X-Men in this one. Storm, yeah. Wolverine, yeah. Professor X? Yep. Magneto. Yep. Mystique, also yes. Beast. Yep. That was it. The rest, had no clue. I had to look them up after the movie.

Heck, my favorite 'new to me' X-Men, Quick Silver, was never refereed to by his X-Men name. His name was Peter. It made total sense in the movie context, but I had no idea who he was. Really liked him. He was snark, and speed, and humor. That was cool.

Peter has a nice, leisurely lap around the room.
The prurient side of me also really enjoyed the new Mystique. I have no idea if she 'bounced' as much in previous movies. I do not think so.

I also liked Blink. She has the power of Portals! That would be one of the most awesome powers ever. I can only imagine (or replay Portal) the fun of such a power.

Bishop was interesting. I rather liked him, even though I don't know anything about him.

But, let me not be remiss in heaping accolades on the best character in the movie.

Peter Dinklage's 1970s Mustache!
I kid.

The power of the 'stache!
Well, sort of. His mustache really sells the time period to me. The 1970s were filled with frightening mustaches. Those upper lip furry worms were every where. It was perfect.
I'll never understand 1970's facial hair.
I don't want to.

'Stop in the name of Magneto.' You just sand that, didn't you?
Admittedly Peter Dinklage's portrayal of Trask was not as powerful as his portrayal of Tyrion Lannister has been, but that is more due to the character and not Peter's acting ability. I actually like his portrayal of Trask.

I like the new Sentinels, they worked for me. Admittedly the only Sentinels I knew of before were the ones in the old Saturday morning cartoon (ah, memories). But these seemed nice and lethal, very lethal. Well, the past versions (spoiler alert) seemed a tad smooth and rounded for the 1970s. They should have been a bit more blocky and bulky. Look at sedans from that era, they were closer to boats than to modern sedans.

This movie has so gone on my to-be-ordered list. I have the Avenger's movies, and the X-men movies. I love my comic book films. This is a good comic book film, but more than that - it is a good movie on its own right.
Captain America looks weird. And he's got brothers.

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