Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Stanley Parable [PC Game]

Click on the images to see them larger.
In this review I will be covering my second 'game' from the Steam Holiday Sale.
You will read this review.

Click on the image. 
This is another 'game' I discovered a long time ago thanks to Extra Credits. It was featured in their Games You Might Not Have Tried #2, from back in 2012.

4 out of 5 stars

Now the version Extra Credits talked about is the original version. The version on the Steam Sale was the HD Update.
Read these tips.
This makes some difference as the narration is a bit different. If you want to see the new video about the Stanley Parable, just head to Steam and check it out.

However what the guys from Extra Creits mention is certainly true. This is a 'game' about choice.

And about having no choice.

Click to enlarge the image.
And about what it means to make a choice.

And about humor.

And about the humorless.  

There is a fundamental philosophical statement / question at the core of this 'game.' I love that, but will not tell you what it is. That is something that you will have to discover / decide on your own.

This 'game' breaks so many rules, and instead of telling the story (or not telling the story) it insists that the player tell the story, or not tell the story. To explore or to not explore. Aw heck, I'll just quote the tagline of the game: "You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will follow a story, you will not follow a story. You will have a choice, you will have no choice. The game will end, the game will never end."

This is a 'game' that is both deep and not deep at the same time. I'm personally glad I picked it up at 75% or 80% off, because I like saving money and have wanted to give this 'game' a go, but also because I'm not certain how many hours I can / will want to put into the 'game' discovering all the endings. 

If it ever comes up on another Steam Sale, I heartily recommend dropping $3 or so to try it out.

And yes, I've been referring to The Stanley Parable a 'game' because I'm not certain it is a game and not a extended experiment. Or both. Or something else entirely.

I'm not certain. And perhaps that is the best thing about the The Stanley Parable.


1 comment:

  1. Played it myself right around Christmas time cousin... I enjoyed it and have found at least 40 endings thus far.
