Monday, January 12, 2015

Ascension [TV Review]

Ascension was a 3 day long event on the SyFy channel.
I missed it. But thankfully we live in an age of Tivo and DVRs.
So, I recently watched this.

33 Stars. Um... what?
It was not what I expected.
For one thing I was not expecting Caprica Six to be involved. I didn't pay any attention to the cast before I saw the show.

4 out of 5 stars
I always doubt anything produced by SyFy. Their track record is spotty at best. Helix was a strange almost good show... (I'll be checking out season 2).
As I said. I was expecting her.
This was both better and worst than I expected.

Better because there is an interesting plot with plenty of depth and questions. Also, there is ample amounts of flesh encapsulated in bikinis... and you get to see Tricia Helfer's ass a few times. I can see nothing bad about that.

Fire bad. Fire on a spaceship, very bad.
The plot is really interesting, well mostly interesting. So I'm not going to spoil it for you. I will say this, by plot I do not mean the stupid soap-opera like lives that most of the cast seem to live. I can understand some of the reasoning behind that... but it seemed overdone. The surprising aspect is the somewhat positive spin they place on prostitution. It makes sense in the realm of the show, it was just not expected.

What is it with creepy(-ish) children and science fiction?
The bad thing are certain small aspects of the plot. Again, I'm not planning on revealing too much plot, but the instance Morphic Fields were mentioned I became depressed. Really? That is like X-Files level weirdness. I was hoping for something a bit more realistic. I could see Mulder scurrying around search for Morphic Fields, but this... this did not need the idea of them. 

It could have been something else. It should have been something else.

The ending also left me wondering if they plan a sequel. Didn't Battle Star Galactica begin much the same way? With a four part miniseries that was eventually expanded into a five season long show? With Tricia Helfer...

I'd watch it. This was certainly interesting enough. I did watch all three parts in one night... that's a lot of TV at once.

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