Sunday, March 8, 2015

Helix "Vade in Pace" (Season 2, Ep. 8) [TV Review]

Another week another Helix review.
This one took me a day longer to get to because I spent Friday night preparing for an X-Wing Store Championship tournament. (I took 3rd, with a list I randomly selected from my many options.)

The Dubois family tree is more of a vine.
I also watched CHAPPiE (that review will be forth coming). But let us talk Helix.

3.5 out of 5 stars
Helix is consistently a show that is both interesting and irritating. I suppose that is why I watch. It is a crazy mix that does not come along all that often.

Hey! Where's your hand?
This time lets try a more detailed plot review. So, uh... Spoilers Ahead!

Suiffice to say, in the last episode many people were murdered. This episode therefore begins with an overview of that, accompanied by inappropriate music. I like the wrong music theme that Helix has. That's a good thing.
The CDC deploys storm ninjas.
In the last episode Hand-Job Girl was locked behind shatter-proof glass, which was honestly the best thing anyone has ever done. I liked her better locked up. Stupidly Micheal falls for her lies and lets her out. Then he feels her up a bit, which is of course creepy on many many levels. Lurch and a few other men that I can only assume are receiving favors from Handy Girl take Micheal and toss him in the Oubliette. They then brick him in... which is a good way of imprisoning an immortal. I would have cemented him in with air tubes, because while imprisonment in the dark seems nasty, imagine not being able to move as well...   

Ah, the scientist's stereotypical recording device.
The the CDC's paramilitary unit arrives back on the island to... act useless?  Why has they returned? The disease has left the island! The bees must have traveled 75 miles... somehow. The CDC military leader suggest the jet-stream carried them... 70 miles further than they would normally travel. Bee hives lose weight (health) if the travel distance is 5 miles or more. [Read here, its rather interesting.]

Does that look really fake to anyone else?
I mean it is fake, but it looks fake too...
Creepy things like that looked better on the X-Files.
Sarah tells Texas that she is immortal. Texas continues to be somewhat dense.

Sara discovers what happens to her baby... and Micheal is freed by Julia. He is then almost immediately killed. An infected person attacks the compound and is gunned down by the CDC. He was the same guy who attacked Sara in the woods a few episodes back... he was both still alive and had healed his gunshot wounds, more or less.

Issues with this episode:

1.) The CDC commander lady seems way to unscientific, way too paranoid, and way too jumpy. She does not seem like CDC field agent material.

2.) Sarah's fetus (it is actually a baby now as creepy Handy Girl said they forced labor) seems way too developed for an unaging immortal child that should be stuck in the first trimester.

3.) So... Micheal spends 30 years in a pit, is freed, and is then summarily killed... why? Or is he not dead? Will his head regenerate a new body, or his body a new head? Did we ever figure out if Seven-of-Nine from last season was totally dead when her head was sent to the White Room in Bloodlines? All I can is that if this is how Micheal Dubois dies, it was completely lame.

Oh yeah. The episode title, Vade in Pace, means 'go in peace' in Latin. This is a nice title. I approve.

There can't be too many episodes left this season, so we'll see if they can ever find out what the real plot is... or maybe we'll learn something fun like what the actual origin of the first 500 immortals was.

Previous Helix Season 2 Reviews:

- S2 Ep. 1: San Jose
- S2 Ep. 2: Reunion
- S2 Ep. 3: Scion
- S2 Ep. 4: Densho
- S2 Ep. 5: Oubliette
- S2 Ep. 6: M. Domestica
- S2 Ep. 7: Cross Pollination

Previous Helix Season 1 Reviews:

- Eps. 1 & 2: Pilot and Vector
- Ep. 4: Single Strand
- Ep. 5: The White Room
- Ep. 6: Aniqatiga
- Ep. 7: Survivor Zero
- Ep. 8: Bloodlines 
- Ep. 9: Level X
- Ep. 10: Fushigi
- Ep. 11: Black Rain
- Ep. 12: The Reaping

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